Friday, May 30, 2014

Hazy Shade of Winter

So, in Hazy Shade of Winter, I'll explain what happened. So, first there was some sort of flash mob chanting by Eldon, James, and West in Culture Shock. Then, Michelle talked to Emily telling her she saw her and Hunter kiss. Then, Hunter told Michelle that he knows she saw. Hunter and Emily I can see becoming an official relationship. Hunter told Michelle he'll be there for her as a friend because he wants to be with Emily. Michelle considers leaving The Next Step because she no longer has the same effect on dance as she used to. She tries to talk to Eldon, but he doesn't want to because he thinks she's annoying because they're clearly done and out of a relationship. Meanwhile, Giselle and Thalia try to talk James and I into getting our duet back and it doesn't work out. Then, when I'm walking home from school, James runs to me and tries to talk to me. I asked, "where's Beth? She's been hanging around you lately?" "Like a moth to a..." he tried to figure out... "a lightbulb." I said. "Which makes me the lightbulb?" James said which I have to say, made me laugh a little. After that, I told him I have a lot of homework and I need to walk home. He said he'll come with me. I said I think I should walk alone and I was speed-walking and he stopped and walked away. After that occured, nothing happened between us since...

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