Friday, May 30, 2014

Upsetting Night

So, yesterday Giselle and I were outside and she began talking British and making up British words like plentiful and it is already a real word is what I tried to tell her. She also made of the shefinshinshies language. Pronounced: she-fin-shin-shees. It was fun until the accent was getting up on my nerves but I know once Giselle begins a bet she doesn't turn back. She had to speak like that until 1:00. It was hard but she got through. Also, last night when I got in bed I piled blankets of my knees and put my head into it all and was crying. What was I crying about you ask? Well, all of the stuff with James and everything going on is really hurtful. I was crying until my dad came in. "Riley, are you crying?" He asked. I said no. He said I clearly am so I told him about James, Beth, everything. He was comforting me when Emily and Mom came in and asked. Normally, I'd be embarrassed of something like that, but I was way too sad. When Emily, my mom and my dad left I doved my head under my blankets and cried so hard and so loudly. I really missed James that night, I really did. I just wished I could be with him. And yet, I still do today....

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