Friday, September 5, 2014

Let's Start Fresh

Hey guys! First of all I wanted to apologize for not being on lately. I had to catch up with some other things for a while. So, I have a few things to say. 1. Sleepovers are getting old for me. Yeah, I've had them over 2 nights lately. 2. It's September! Yay! Finally, new and fresh topics! 3. Season 2.5 Episode 1 commercial began airing today! It is so good! I can tell the fans are so excited to see us back in action! So, that's all I have to say with that. I'm really excited to start fresh this month! 

So, I've been thinking of something this blog is gonna do, from now on. So, every month there will be a theme. A certain theme that we kinda focus on. There will be other things, but we will focus on our theme. It's kind of late, but I have a theme I'd like to do. It is a temporary theme, and we could do this for the rest of September. So, our theme this month is going to be Season 2.5. No surprise there! I am doing this because September is the first month that it begins airing. Season 2.5 will only air once so we might as well do this theme now! We will focus on Season 2.5 and what happens and a lot of predictions for it. So, I am happy to begin this with you guys! Thanks for viewing my blog and remember to focus on this month's theme!

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