Thursday, June 12, 2014

Just As I Thought Part 2

So, on the last post we left off at when Emily came in. Let's continue from there....

Emily: Riley! Are you okay? Riley!

Me: Ouch! Emily!

Amanda: I just wanted her to show me the routine!

Emily: Well, she knows it. I know she knows it! It's okay, Riley.

Amanda: I didn't excpect this to happen. (Probably in her mind, and I'm glad it did though)

Emily: Well, you don't need proof that she knows it. She knows it.

Amanda: I didn't know. For a while she's been dancing off and behind. I wanted to see if she knew it well enough.

Emily: Well, Amanda, she does okay.

Amanda: I know that now. But seriously, why'd she break out like that?

Emily: Umm?? I don't know.

Amanda: Come on, Emily. Why did she break out like that?

Emily: She got hurt a while ago. She can't dance like this.

Amanda: I thought so. Well, is she okay? (Her being nice, totally an act)

Emily: I don't know! I knew that it was bad, but I thought by now she'd be good enough to dance.

Me: Em, it really hurts. (Now I was crying)

Emily: I know. It's okay Riley. I've got you.

Amanda: What do we do!? (Still an act)

Emily: I don't know. Riley, are you okay?

I shook my head no. Emily grabbed on to me and Amanda left.

Emily: Amanda! She's not okay!

Me: Em, it's.... Amanda. She... wouldn't stay even for this cause.

Amanda came in with ice.

Amanda: Will this help?

Emily: It's not a bruise but maybe.

Amanda placed the ice on my leg. Emily hugged me.

Me: Ouch! It's cold!

Amanda: Maybe we need something warm.

Amanda left for about five minutes then returned with a warm cloth. She placed it on my leg. (Good acting but so rude)

Emily: Are you alright, Riley?

Me: I'm fine... it just hurts still.

Emily: Can you walk on it?

Me: It feels a little bit better. Maybe.

Emily helped me up. I tried walking on it. I could do it, but it was a little bit off.

Me: Yeah, I can do it.

Emily: Amanda, please don't tell Miss Kate about this.

Amanda: Don't worry! I won't, I promise!

I was surprised to hear Amanda say that she wont, and it sounded meaningful.

Emily: I'm taking Riley home. Thanks..??

Amanda: Any time. (odd suspicious voice. But am I surprised?)

Emily and I left and who knows where Amanda went.

That concludes Just As I Thought parts 1 and 2.

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