Sunday, June 8, 2014

Never Again

I am 100% done doing acro. Seriously, my leg is in more pain then I was when Beth and James kissed. Okay, maybe not quite but it really hurts. It's been hurting for almost a week and I don't want to walk on it. I definently can't dance. Maybe there is a reason that I didn't get the solo, because it would hurt me. Nationals is right around the corner and I don't know what I'm going to do. I wish I could just dance and at the very least walk without a pain in my leg. I tried walking on it at around 7:00 and it didn't go too well. It hurt me really badly. What if next dance rehearsal Phoebe has us do acro sctretches let alone dancing. Nobody but West and Emily know and I don't expect Emily to show up next rehearsal but Phoebe or Kate or anyone else doesn't know. How would I do the acro? I couldn't! It would be impossible even if I attempted it. I'd either not be able to do it or I'd snap my leg in half. I don't know what I'm going to do about it. Acro is definently one of my weeknesses. I don't know what I should do. I have 2 options. I either tell Miss Kate about it and then I don't have to dance until I'm better, or I try my best to dance and not tell Miss Kate because I don't want to let my team down. I think I'm going to not tell Kate as long as possible that way I'd be letting our team down for a shorter period of time. I'll have to deal with the dance moves and the acro until I can't do it at all anymore. Well, I don't think I can do it, but I probably should try. I'm going to rest on it tonight. Then, tomorrow when I have dance I can see if I can do the moves and the stretches.

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