Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Lonely Street Boy

So, at my break, Emily didn't sneak out. So, I was bored until I saw some boy from grade 9's other class or something sitting in the field in a ball alone. I first was thinking, "What's wrong with that maniac!?" but then I though, "If I were sad, would I want someone to be nice, or ignore me?" And I went to him. "You okay?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm just waiting for the bell to go," he said. "So... you're not sad because that's what I thought," I replied. "I'm fine. I just like to be alone sometimes." He said. "Same." I said and walked away. When I said same what I was meaning was same as in I like to be alone so leave me alone creepy street boy. No, that's cruel. I just meant I like being alone sometimes, too. Oh yeah, speaking of being mean, a girl in my class was planning her sleepover birthday and she said, "yeah it might not be a sleepover because.... well the house filled with girls." "Why are girls a problem?" Her friend asked. "Because they're dramatic and mean." I said and walked away. I looked back and saw the one girl who was planning the party sitting there offended of me saying she's dramatic and mean. (Though she should have used the dramatic part against me. We all know me drama, right?) Anyways, I'm not encouraging her being mean and using come backs on me. Also, Mareck and Simran in my class apparently have "feelings" for each other. Wait, you don't need to know that do you? Nope.... I'm assuming not. Anyways... so I have to go and read my wiki to find more disturbing things about myself (even though I know everything about myself, I need to read it over one more time to finalize it).

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