Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Risking Our Team Maybe?

Today during rehearsal at 3:45 til 7:30, Phoebe had us do some acro stretches which kind of put my legs in pain and then for the Nationals routine, I had to do some acro. I may have hurt my leg. I don't want to put the team at risk. It's not too bad and I hope it's going to heal itself in a few days. It feels pretty hurt but I'm sure it's nothing and whatever it is will be fine by Nationals. I can still dance pretty well. It's not affecting me too much. It just makes me fall behind a little bit. With Michelle choreographing, she doesn't mind me falling off line a little bit. I told Emily. I decided to tell her because I just want the dance captain to be aware. Here's mine and her conversation on it right after dance:

Me: Em, can I talk to you for a second.
Emily: Yeah sure, Riley. What is it?
Me: During acro, I think I hurt my leg a little bit.
Emily: Oh no! Riley, what happened?
Me: I don't know, I think I bent it too far.
Emily touched my leg to see if it was broken or something. Emily: Awe, Riley it's okay.
I began crying a little bit. It really hurt me at that very moment. Emily hugged me and told me I was okay.
Emily: Don't worry Riley, I promise you'll be okay. For sure by Nationals. If it get's worse, tell me okay?
Me: Okay, thanks Emily.
I stopped crying.

Emily and I both walked home together. She saw I was walking funny but I was fine still. It felt better than it looked. Hopefully, I don't let the team down. I don't want anyone to get upset because I'm unable to make it to Nationals. I'm going to try my best to rest it for a while.

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